Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods the Golfer

Let me start off by saying, like everyone else, I'm sick of hearing about Tiger Woods. I guess that makes me hypocritical for trying to shove more old lunch meat into your paper sack. I apologize ahead of time.

I want to focus on Tiger Woods the golfer. I'm truly not a fan of golf, but you don't have to be to realize how incredible this guy is at what he does. He's earned nearly 93 million dollars. He's only missed 16 PGA tour cuts since he was 16 years old. He's had at least one win every year since 1996 (71 total). This guy is a phenomenal athlete. It's easy to understand why everyone is talking about him.

Tiger Woods is that guy you want to be. He's rich, well respected, and is a sport. That's right, Tiger Woods is golf. This guy is so on top of the world, it's necessary for him to cheat on his super attractive model wife.

Golf is Tiger's job. Heck, if we worked as hard at our jobs as Tiger does at his, we'd make a lot of progress in whatever field we're in. Let's see a show of hands of the people who can't make it through a work day without checking and changing their Facebook status. Yeah, that's a lot of people. Tiger may have had affairs, but he didn't let that get in the way of his golf game. The PGA should not be ashamed of Tiger's actions, because no matter what he had going on in his life, he still got his job done, and got more people to show up to the tour.

What bugs me most about this whole issue, is that people are trying to verbally murder him. Everyone does something wrong at some point or another. I bet a lot of guys would cheat if they had the time and ability to. And as far as I'm concerned, all sins and vices have negative connotations. Tiger cheats, you criticize, so you, in my eyes are no better than he is.

Tiger became famous because he was a phenom. He is a golfer. Whatever else he does shouldn't matter. It's none of our business is Tiger commits adultery. Let him play golf, and enjoy him. This whole ordeal has been a train wreck. If the tabloids succeeded in anything besides ruining Tiger's personal life, they've also made the game of golf even more boring to watch. Thank you, TMZ, I hope when you got your nose in it, it smelled like urine, and it doesn't happen again. Hey, it works for dogs, right?

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